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tv   Headline News  RT  July 29, 2014 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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we would be stupid not to. israel fulfill this threat to deliver devastating strikes on gaza with dozens of civilians killed in attacks from land and sea overnight palestinian authorities are now offering a twenty four hour hope to hostilities. more graphic images emerge from residential areas in eastern ukraine with a care home for elderly people coming on the deadly army shelling. the prime minister calls on the ukrainian president to stop the fighting in the area around the malaysian plane crash site which is
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a foreign place that experts stranded. on the ugly side of the beautiful game migrant workers for the twenty twenty two world cup encounter of the waiting for a year to get paid for the luxury offices they built organizes. welcome and thanks once again for joining us my name is neil harvey you're watching r.t. international. the palestinian leadership is offering a twenty four hour truce in gaza after israel delivered on its overnight promise to deal a devastating strike on palestine the territory suffered one of the bloodiest nights of israeli bombardments after tell of if it warned of a protracted campaign at least sixty people were killed.
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well it. was that. i. was. the. prolonged campaign would inevitably mean rising numbers of dead which already staggering more than eleven hundred people most of them civilians and children have been killed in the campaign so far while israel has lost more than fifty soldiers and three civilians one of the latest attacks on a refugee camp was one that caused a spike in the death toll our correspondent said as an eyewitness video from the scene. the missile as we see killed nineteen children capitaine and severely
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wounded another but the idea denied it had anything to do with that claim that this was a botched launch by. reports now from the heart of the conflict. so extraordinary scenes were flares drops by the israeli military lit up vos neighborhoods of smoke crossed the skyline an extraordinary number of flares it was an extraordinary scene it almost was not like the night anymore here we've seen significant strikes overnight people have called some of the instance massacres just north of here about two minutes drive from saw the demolition of the home of the gaza prime minister ismail haniya five minutes drive from here we saw attacks we believe after sixteen strikes on the top of the al sure route tower media building on the top floor is how mass is t.v. station we also saw just a few hours ago the targeting of basically gaza's main only power station and this
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of course now is going to. plunge the electricity crisis of gaza already very severe into. downward trend we've been looking at the plight of those caught up injured and displaced as the hostilities continue it's meant to be a time of celebration the beginning of the islamic eat holiday tree most of gaza's population its children are entirely deprived of stability and security of body and . man has now paralyzed even like a mother and two sisters killed at break time the scars of the seven year old to which she died when she woke up with no feeling in her legs their kids they don't have any guns they don't have any they have lived a dream i want to lay out i want to go to to a. i want to have the big. chill then what is it.
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for this country just along the corridor abu abdullah waits as his son undergoes surgery having lost a hand in the attacks his pregnant wife lost their baby to top it off like hundreds of others they also lost their homes totally destroyed it strikes on the pummel sure your neighborhood palestinians are in every way fatigued by this war it's bitterly felt all the more during the supposed holy days now palestinians call this the age of martyrs harry fear r.t. . before showering garza with the rockets israel dropped leaflets instructing palestinians to leave their homes and take shelter but most people didn't have enough time to flee or simply refused to do so in israel some right wing demonstrators appear to have actually been celebrating the grief of god's hands.
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these demonstrators intel of evil seen singing football chants apparently in support of the offensive earlier alone a stein from the israeli foreign ministry told me that she thinks palestinians have made the wrong choice in barking hamas we even have a running joke saying do they understand the word cease fire or maybe it was lost in translation cease fire means cease fire and they kept firing rockets so we are going to cease fire the un said it should be done with the calibration of egypt we are very open to that so we don't have an argument with the international community and your prime minister says that israel will act aggressively and responsibly until this mission is completed do you think that killing civilians is responsible for the people in gaza could have had amazing freedom we counted the number of cash that was put into the terror ten dollars it's one point three twenty five billion dollars with that amount of money they could have had a hospital they could have three malls they could have had twenty schools they
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could have had so much economy going on but they decided to put it into tunnels where it's are supposed to bring terrorists into israel they are doing it using these children this human shields but when you consider that guards are so densely populated even the best of times and it can be almost impossible to accurately identify the people you're trying to hit with these missiles and they're always going to be innocent victims sometimes we abort missions we show footage how sometimes a person tells the pilot aboard the mission we cannot we have civilians we abort missions when we know there are children around we truly do everything possible not to harm them but when they actually physically use them as a human shield well that's what happens unfortunately and over on aunty dot com we've got more social media reaction and the very latest pictures from the unrest all just a click away. to be in the. ukrainian
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forces a closing in on antigovernment strongholds in the country's east with civilians increasingly being caught up in the assault more graphic images are emerging from residential areas in the hubs of resistance which have come under army shelling should warn you the following video contains graphic images. this is a care home for the elderly in the city of lugansk apparently after it was pounded by shelves five people were killed there in the army strike eight more were injured that's according to local officials they also say a medical university a clinic and several residential houses of come under fire as well and that's despite gears earlier pledges not to target densely populated areas during what it calls is anti terror operate. and these are pictures from the outskirts of the regional capital ben yet scritches the main stronghold of anti government forces apparently several residential houses have been damaged by heavy bombardment
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overnight locals there have been left devastated by the ongoing fighting but only when you see you. all the cells that have seen you cover when you get the morning. you look do you or do you go look lucian. the area around the malaysian plane crash scientists call it a ping call much as well as despite ukrainian president ordering a no combat zone in the wake of the tragedy but it's probably ministers now urging petro poroshenko to stop the military operation in the area as is still preventing international teams from reaching the site. cautious following the fighting in eastern ukraine. has certainly intensified in and around the city of donetsk in
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eastern ukraine now. it was one of the heaviest hits and according to local authorities at least thirty one people had died as a result of artillery fire including eight children now people continue to flee that sound. and one of the buses it's they reached the town all shots are square it was shelled once again and another child had been killed and twelve people were injured now that particular area is very close to the sites off the crash of flights and age seventeen it's only about fifteen to seventeen kilometers away and the heavy shelling continues there as well and key events as government forces continue to blame each other for disobedience and said meanwhile the holy see the mission as well as international police force including such as trillian nationals
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cannot get to the sites of m h seven seen for the third day in a row now all this is happening despite the announcement of a forty kilometer no call bad zone by president bush and called all this that says being violated it's a number of times as the international observing mission and the police force cannot get to the sites of the crash. ukraine's hardline bright group is reportedly block several petrol stations demanding the fuel for the needs of the kiev army several stations of the russian owned company lukoil and now be seized by radicals in the western city of havana from coffs to talk more about the incident and the far right movement in ukraine let's bring in u.k. journalist neil clark who's been closely following the situation in the country thanks for taking the time neil as we know it purchase stations being blocked of course as a lifeline for a lot of people in such a situation why is nothing been done to stop this well i think it's very poor to understand what is the relationship between the ukrainian government and the right
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sector a critic of what would have come to power without the thugs of the right sector which is the far right. and you and your fascist group and and they need them still today because they haven't got control over the whole country and they particularly need the right sector to do things ukrainian government will want to be seen doing themselves actual statements and so i think that it's kind of good cop bad cop to really even though you can say for it is a good cops anyway however they need the right sector to do things like it's the countries running short of fuel it's running short of money supplies and therefore it's better for the ukrainian authorities if the right sector is is taking this kind of activity back to stations rather than that themselves ok so they're taking into all the petrol stations in addition to that they're also demanding that the oil company allocates of to three tons of oil every month for the ukrainian army i mean i'm trying to understand what exactly that means but it sounds a bit like the sort of representing the defense minister or do you think absolutely
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that it's all about course the defense ministry couldn't do this themselves as i just said so they need the right sector to do this the country is running short of fuel and that what they want is to basically they're saying to russian oil company give us your your fuel give us your oil so raunch a war a war of russian citizens in the east of ukraine. that's how we need to redefine the word or i think ok another i mean this is bizarre to me that if you consider this is a russian company they're demanding oil from how can a ukrainian far right group be making demands from a russian or company surely there are a lot of heads were actually as i said it was last. situation because you've got the most fiercely anti russian forces in the ukraine the right sector actually ultra nationalistic crashes in attitudes towards russia demanding that russian oil company gets the oil to help ukraine army to fight russians really could make
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a story up could you it's quite absurd really but it shows you the kind of desperate situation that ukraine itself is in of course the government doesn't want to control its people it needs that it needs the right sector came to power the right sector and it still needs and today it's an interesting relationship i think between you know the the people in charge in clear go in his group and the right sector how do you see that relationship to discuss actually have any control over them or some would you explain it well. there was you remember the murder or by special forces of a right sex and the dollar and it's on the back at the end of march he was the. so it's it's a relationship really where the government knows what's its weekly date people get it needs cutting edge of the tree. parliament three fourths of the right sector provides that. and so i think that if the government were to have a change of course and decide to move against the right set to be very dangerous for the cup with the right sector halves very sluggish their power for so i think
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that at the moment the current situation the government still needs them and so i think that they are using them to do things that they wouldn't want to be seen doing themselves such as this latest situation regarding the blockading of a petrol station so i think certainly for the next few months at least the right sector are central for the government in kiev to maintain control of the country and i think we're going to see a lot more of this kind of thing going on fortunately ok with thanks for giving us your take on the situation joined by u.k. journalist new york out there thank you x. next images released by washington to back allegations of russia's attacks on ukraine of triggered a media storm many outlets along with the state department are posing the pictures as a smoking gun or moscow has dismissed them as fake auntie's gannett if you can cut so way through the frenzy. some journalist received the satellite pictures which the u.s. presents as evidence of russian shelling into ukraine via e-mail but much of the
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world found out about it from the twitter account of the u.s. ambassador to ukraine one of the images according to u.s. officials shows russian self-propelled artillery in washer and the other part of that same image u.s. intelligence determined shows craters inside ukraine indicating strikes from artillery the date on the picture is july twenty third these images have changed quite a few hands before they made their way into the embassadors tweets on all of these pictures you see the name of the company digital globe which is a commercial provider of satellite imagery and aerial photos the office of the director of national intelligence is said to have analyzed the pictures and written all these captions with their analysis and then they handed it to the city apartment to be released twitter the spokesperson of the russian defense ministry had this to say such materials were posted on twitter coincidentally since it's impossible to establish their authenticity due to lack of exact reference to the
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location and the extremely low resolution. journalists now operate in an environment where both sides that is the u.s. and russia brushoff evidence put forward by the other u.s. officials attack media that they're to even question the information that they put forward so r t came under yet another attack this time on twitter here's the u.s. embassy in washington responding to our news tweets about the satellite images it says considering who pays artists bills it's not surprising that are to questions validity of u.s. satellite evidence and then there is another tweet saying given some of the experts shown on our teats very hard to believe anything they say one has to wonder if the underlying implication is that everybody absolutely must believe everything the us government says and presents this evidence well there's not much questioning in the us mainstream media c.n.n. has learned u.s. intelligence satellites and radars have monitored repeated or chilly retired from
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the russian side of the border for the last several days in washington i'm going to check out our team. and you can find all the latest on the ongoing ukraine crisis both here on a but also online website they stay with us for short break we'll report on good works and counsel living in what has been described as modern day slavery. iran like syria has been george very harshly on the constant. isn't it justified the game is not pursuing the. you know raising the spectrum off pursuit of the government like the who was you know who say move on use he was developing nuclear weapons. did they want to see. being made before. we would be stupid not to
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take you. welcome back next minute workers in count are helping to build lavish premises for the twenty twenty two world cup officials are still world waiting to be paid after a year all while having to endure conditions that have been described as inhumane and they are literally trapped in the gulf state as they could only leave with the
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permission of their employer britain's guardian newspaper has conducted an investigation or how foreign workers are finding themselves trapped in modern day slavery not to mention unsanitary conditions and power cuts up to ten men having to squeeze inside tiny rooms that's while working six to seven days a week for ten hours in scorching heat many of reportedly died of strokes and cardiac arrest investigation also discovered their paperwork is illegally taken from them and no medical care provided salaries have been paid only for the first few months then the money stops. for an international trade union confederation believe that other governments have chosen to turn a blind eye to the situation. look at tower is a slave state some more than days late stage you're up our own by one person so your contract is signed before you leave your home country but when you get to get tired the employer can often simply tear it up or not pay you wages or treat
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you in any oppressive way they like workers above desperate for work in poor countries so most of these migrants are from nepal india the philippines parts of africa and they don't understand because nobody tells them what they will face when they get ticket. it's not given enough attention by international governments companies governments they can say thank you we don't want to work with you until you change the words until your ball hits the file the system until you put in place fundamental like the right. for more use from around the world fire the oil depot which supplies the airport in the libyan capital tripoli has continued to rage for a second day i was struck in crossfire between militias battling for control of the airfield blaze is now spreading to
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a second oil depot libya's interim government has appealed for international help to extinguish the inferno saying the fire could trigger a humanitarian and environmental disaster in the city. meanwhile thousands of filipinos have protested the president's state of the nation address in several cities across the country angry demonstrators said that his speech gave many false facts decrying corruption in government and constitutional violations. water cannons to disperse the crowds but outraged protesters continued shouting slogans and asking for affordable and equipped social services the president is currently facing no less than three separate impeachment charges. wildfires continue to spread torching many parts of the famous yosemite national park in the u.s. state of california firefighters have been digging fire lines and cutting trees in the hope of stopping the blaze from spreading further three campsites and several
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roads have been closed around the park authorities have evacuated hundreds of homes . as you heard is militants known as the islamic state of iraq are sinking their teeth deeper into syria and iraq a pro islamist rally has been held right in the middle of europe and this rally in support of a detained this recruiter was deemed legitimate by the hague city council demonstrators shouted and says and the semitic slogans and called on european muslims to join the wars in syria and iraq locals now want to see the city's mess sank to a political analyst william and dar believes that this is just another indication of a worrying trend that's gaining ground. but there are large muslim communities throughout europe and germany who are the. at least seven million. women the most and for us there are organizations that jihad is for evolutions of trying to recruit from young muslim youth or certainly in holland with them instructions of prices i
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question the sanity of the dutch government for allowing it in the first place the very fact that they allow this on the demonstrators were chanting just so the jews quite loudly streets of a european country is this really what we could call what's what's going on here. and while ice is battles on in iraq in syria the group is now trying to expand its of words it's opened an office for registering we've been willing to marry its militants read all about the story on our website. and also there the deadly disease ebola could spread into the u.k. to head to r.t. dot com to find out more about the doctor's warnings it's all on our web site. thousands of britons have installed thrifty and eco friendly solar panels on their houses all in
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a bid to save on their electricity bills and all would have been good if only the proper setup instruction hadn't been missing artie's martin andrews explains. the great solar power blunder according to the university they've announced that the panels which routes the built in the southerly direction are facing the wrong way now there are around half a million homes in the u.k. which have these panels on the roofs it comes at a price too it costs around five thousand to ten thousand pounds to have them erected onto your roof but it does come with money saving of course you can actually get back around eight hundred pounds a year why are they saying that it's facing the wrong direction well that's because of the sun's movement it means that it peaks during mid day this isn't about actually the pros and cons of electricity but the valuable stance that it has of the sun's rays during the day and they're saying that if they're actually following germany's new policy which they had of having them east and west it means that you
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have less shadow it means that you are be able to you can actually have more panels on your west speccing roof and more importantly it means that you can use it when you come home from work after sort of late afternoon however according to renewable energy world dot com in the states it's a little bit more complicated than that as it's all about where you actually live the climate involved and the value of electricity that you use if you're not enjoying the day for day to use the electricity then you're going to lose that. now if you join the open sea you might be particularly interested in what comes next after the break you can find out what it's like to roam the atlantic waters in an eighteenth century tall ship.
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